Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The word around town... aka a mommy for beatrice????

So the blog has been silent... as we rejoice tentatively.

On the Reeces Rainbow website it says a family has committed to Beatrice!  Now we're just waiting to hear who it is... (honestly we've been waiting since Saturday...come on already!)

So who ever you are... shout it out... when you're allowed to that is...

Tentatively rejoicing for Beatrice.   ( and boy is my husband relieved that I won't be trying to convince him to adopt AGAIN! )

Waiting to hear your news... who ever you are....

Thank you God for placing orphans in families...

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Good job Team Beatrice...

You have met the 100 dollar apostille challenge!  Thank you Thank you!

This next goal is a bit of a jump... but we can keep on chugging along.... here is your mission if you choose to accept it!   (insert mission impossible music here)  

If we can bring Beatrice to 8500$ she will essentially have a third of her adoption funded...

and we all know...the higher her grant creeps, the braver a potential family can be to say "yes" to bringing her home...

So Please...

pray for her
share this blog     
like her facebook page: Beatrice: Faith of a child
visit her fsp at : to donate.

I can't stop thinking that she is only 3 months younger than my baby girl, and has no parents to call her own....

I can't stop being reminded of her by my Shea who came from the same orphanage and group.  Tonight he said... "mom you're never ever going to leave me right?"   sigh...ouch.... my heart is sad that a child has to ask that because of how their life started out. 

She will have many challenges in front of her, but imagine how rich her life could be when cheered on, challenged and loved my a mom and dad...

Father's day is fast approaching.... let's see how close we can come to our new goal by then.

Go Team B....

Friday, June 7, 2013

Beatrice, we have faith that you have a mamma and daddy out there somewhere...

Right now only God knows exactly who they are...

But they will likely be thinking thoughts something like this... either right now... or someday in the future...

( click on the song "thousand years" near the bottom of the right margin to hear the song... )

 I have died everyday waiting for you

Darling don't be afraid I have loved you

For a thousand years

I'll love you for a thousand more

Time stands still

Beauty in all she is

I will be brave

I will not let anything take away

What's standing in front of me

Every breath

Every hour has come to this

One step closer

I had a fun evening with the song contest last night... and have narrowed it down to these 4 songs on the right margin... check them out.... all of them have some special meaning for this sweet girl who needs a family...I hope you enjoy them as much as I did.  I hope they give you hope, courage, inspiration and bring a few tears to your eyes.

I would also like to give an honorable mention to my husband who was the only male contributor of song choices to the contest last night!  Go Dan. :)

we are quite close to the last 100 dollar challenge... and we are 3 cents away from rounding off another hundred in her total... lets give her a bump !

Thursday, June 6, 2013

God promises to wipe away every tear...

The One seated on the throne will shelter them...

They will no longer hunger

They will no longer thirst

The sun will no longer strike them

For the Lamb who is at the center of the throne will shelter them

He will guide them to springs of living waters

And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.

Revelation 6: 15b-17

Beatrice... did you hear that?  Little girl, we have faith like a child that you will no longer hunger or thirst, that you will be sheltered and protected, and that your tears will be wiped clean.

We have faith, I hope you can feel it too...

Friends... please sacrifice again or for the first time...

If we raise 100 more dollars, we could pay for approximately 15 of the many apostille stamps that will someday need to be put on Beatrice's adoption dossier.  Again these are state side US instituted fees... not international fees.  International adoption is in fact very expensive, but not simply because of home country fees... much of it originates from the US government and airline expenses...

That would take her grant up to 7629.60 ( almost a third of the way to full funding )

Team Beatrice, we can do it... first time or tenth time... please help to wipe away the tears of this little child.

please click here:

Monday, June 3, 2013

for 30 seconds...

this morning when you hear your alarm go off...

when you're dreading getting out of bed...

and you just want to stay under the warm blankets and push snooze one more time...

could you take just 30 seconds and say a passionate prayer for Beatrice...

An advocates prayer...

for health, for protection, for comfort, for a family.

I will wake up happy, knowing I'll be joined by you for 30 seconds...

Thank you team Beatrice....

The babe who sleeps and eats in the very same room as our Shea used to... and who is just 3 months younger than our Emily... needs your help...

(thank you to Paul Metz from Manchester Baptist who rocked the mini auction with last nights high bid!)

The Basic Difference

On Sunday night, I put my Shea to sleep at 8 pm. I thought he had been long asleep, but an hour later I heard rustles and sniffles on the stairway. I opened the door to see a sobbing little boy. Grasping for him, and holding him tight, I comforted him....
after some time he was able to verbalize what his tears were about.

Shea was so sad for Beatrices eyes "not working", and so sad that she was in his grouppa and had no mommy and daddy. Shea knows the "basic difference". He has lived it, and can feel it...
The differnces are real and harsh. They break the heart of a 6 year old boy.
Here is sweet Beatrice...
Please make a difference for her... build her fund so that a family can bring her out of oppresion, to be treasured, defended, and protected.... our family thanks you...
to donate click here:


Today is Thursday...going on Friday. For many of us this means "paycheck time". I am going to donate to Beatrice tonight... could you consider doing this too?

This little girl has hit some major bumps in the road... more bumps than her little heart can even comprehend yet....

please help her over a bump...

If we all gave just a percentage of what we might spend on a dinner out this weekend, or a movie... a lot of littles make a big...

This is Beatrice... please SEE her. Her eyes are weak and frail... our eyes are strong. Please God let us SEE her....

"Now then stand still and SEE this great thing the Lord is about to do before your EYES."
1st Samuel 12:16 please click on this link, donate, SEE... goodnight, I pray to wake to a larger number for this treasure...